お久しぶりです☆教室が再開となり、久しぶりに生徒様の元気なお顔が見れてHappyなマッキーです^^ いつも全ての生徒様がマスクを装着の上、入り口できちんと消毒をして頂き、本当にありがとうございます。今後ともスタッフ一同気を抜く事なく感染防止に努めて参りますので、どうぞ皆様よろしくお願い致します^^
さて、今日は4月からのnew teacher ダニエル先生にインタビューしてみました✨
My hobbies are making coffee, taking videos of Japan, skateboarding, cycling, learning the history of Japan, and reading manga.
I like to make coffee, and roast coffee. I love traveling, and finding new coffee shops.
Both, because on rainy days/ hot days, I like to be home, but I also like going camping and hiking.
I like skateboarding, cycling, snowboarding, soccer, and running.
I like many genres. I like hip-hop, rap, r&b, indie, pop-punk, and j-pop.
Just have fun and be yourself! You may be nervous at first, but with repetition(繰り返す事)your English will improve very fast!!
Learn English with stuff that interest you! (あなたが興味あるもので学んで。)
For example, if you like coffee, buy or study with English books about coffee. Always remember focus on pronunciation(発音) and speaking!